Image Courtesy: Tech Gig

HiCoder, an Indian EdTech firm located in HiTech City, Hyderabad, India, assists job searchers and career changers in learning software engineering and obtaining employment in the industry by skilling the most in-demand technologies. 

This business employs a “No Professor Classroom” model, providing students with mentoring and training programmes from experienced software engineers who have worked or are now working at companies such as Microsoft, Nvidia, Philips, Bosch, Samsung, Google, and others. 

They charge just a little tuition cost when students enrol in the programme and the remainder only when they are employed in an IT firm with a package worth at least 5,00,000 rupees per year. However, HiCoder charges a tiny proportion of the entire tuition fee as an enlisting expenditure/security, which is deducted from the total educational expense when the applicant pays the whole tuition fee.

The entire tuition fee for HiCoder is about 2,30,000 rupees, with the student paying 30,000 rupees up front and the remaining 2,00,00 in tiny EMIs over two years only if they acquire a job of percent lakhs per annum or higher.

This method works, but students take the risk, and the majority of them end up taking out loans to study. HiCoder addresses this issue to a greater extent by charging only a tiny portion of the entire course price as a registration fee and requiring students to pay only when they are hired.

In a developing country like India, where unemployment is low and people do not have means to pay for their higher education, HiCoder can facilitate growth and development of the citizens and add value to the society.

It is estimated that 1.5 crore Indians pay income tax, accounting for only 1 percent of the Indian population; Moreover, 57 percent of taxpayers earn less than 2.5 lakh a year. Further, due this Pandemic we experienced lockdowns where businesses stopped operating, and the demand for tech-based skills upsurged. 

HiCoder bridges the gap between the desire to learn and earn, and the lack of means to afford it with its innovative business model. 

We know tech is the future and education is an asset we cannot afford to neglect if we truly aspire to develop as a country. 


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