Image Courtesy: Apsters Media

On Tuesday, Mozilla released a facelift for Firefox, and one of the first changes you may notice is a whole new appearance for tabs.

Firefox tabs have grown in size, and the one in focus now floats above the toolbar toward the top of the browser. In Chrome or Safari, on the other hand, the focused tab seems to be immediately tied to the toolbar.

According to Mozilla, the new detachable design was created to encourage consumers to move their tabs around. “We divorced the tab from the browser to allow you to move, reorganise, and pull out tabs into a new window to fit your flow, and organise them so they’re simpler to find,” Mozilla wrote in a blog post.

Other adjustments have been made to the new Firefox appearance. Mozilla has tidied up the toolbar to make it less crowded, as shown in the photos above. It’s a decent improvement, albeit I wish the new tabs and toolbar didn’t take up so much vertical room in this new design. The new browser also features more simplified menus, as you can see in the screenshot below:


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